Secrets About Liquid Diet

Boost your metabolism with green tea

Green tea, when consumed plain , no added sugar , no calories and is a healthy alternative to calorie -laden lattes and cappuccinos . Starting the day with hot green tea will boost your metabolism, setting the pace for the rest of the day. Green tea contains catechins, phytochemicals responsible for stimulating the metabolism , helps burn calories and fat without lifting a finger .

Water for All -Over Health

Water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Drink water throughout the day for healthy skin , hair , joints, digestions , the list is long . Water is also a major tool in the case of weight loss , as it is free of calories . There are several ways to get water in your diet , but not only open the valve. Try flavored water without sugar and unsweetened tea, mineral water, cucumber, hot or cold water mixed with lemon juice . Even the black coffee without sugar , when consumed in moderation , your account daily consumption of water.

Soft diet shakes as a meal replacement

Diet shakes are not necessarily the best choice for healthy weight loss , and some may contain excess sugar and offer no additional nutritional value. But for some, have a meal replacement shake during the day is a way to follow an easier regime change bad eating habits. So if you are working , choose mild tremors that are rich in fiber and low in sugar.

Choose more juice vegetable juices

Vegetable juice, variety , especially at home , which contains nutrients and minerals such as juice , but at a fraction of the amount of sugar and calories. When store bought juice pick vegetables , choose low sodium varieties . And if you can , the juice of your own home .

Smoothies detox cleanse the body

Smoothies are not usually a safe bet if you're trying to lose weight. Many contain hidden as ice cream, frozen yogurt , syrups , sugar and cream mines . However, natural detox smoothies can be simple and healthy, with only natural ingredients. They can also do wonders for your digestive system , cleansing the body . One trick is to have a detox smoothie for your meal, not as an accompaniment to it.

Drinks to avoid

Stay away from calorie -laden drinks such as sodas and soft drinks, fancy coffee , energy drinks, sweetened fruit juices , and of course alcohol . These drinks are high in calories , but do not leave the body feeling full , so you are still likely to eat a large meal after . Most of these drinks are loaded with sugar, fat , and offer little nutritional value.

General advice for maintaining a healthy weight or lose weight is to be very careful what you drink. Do not drink your calories. Drinks not suppress appetite or make you feel full , so you are not likely to compensate for the extra calories by eating less . Choose calorie-free drinks whenever possible , take your coffee or tea without sugar added milk products and avoid landmines high -tion whenever possible .

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